Thursday, March 26, 2009

Student Ministry

This year I am a student at St Matt's in Ashbury. It's nice being local (we walk to church) and been great getting to know people. There are lots of other college students who are part of the congregation, both Moore and SMBC.

My role though is a bit different to the last couple of years. Rather than leading services and preaching, I'm spending my time visiting homes in the area, working towards running an evangelistic course of some kind at home, and hospitality. Also, I have been doing a lot of thinking about church and evangelism and engaging with our culture. It's been interesting and tied to what we're thinking of doing long term. But more on that later...

For now, if you'd like to be praying for us in this role:

* Pray that God might be working to save people in this community

* Pray God would give us perseverance in prayer, godly living and speaking the truth